Thursday, December 29, 2005

CCC Day 3: H4RDC0R3

"Academic Tools And Real-Life Bug Finding In Win32"
This talk made me miss maths so much! The first part was on computerbility and the halting problem. The second part was on how to use software tools to search through source code and find security holes which may be there. Great stuff.

"Private Investigations In Searching"
Fravia was one of my favourite speakers at the CCC last year. He looked a bit different this year and may have been someone else... The talk was the same subject as last year but a lot of the techniques had been updated.

"I See Airplanes!"
I've been interested in passive radar for a couple of years now. This talk explained a lot of the science behind the idea and talked about several current passive radar projects.

"Lightning Talks Day 3"
Some interesting lightning talks, covering a wide variety of stuff. One that stood out was a talk by Christian Tan about how hard it is to run an record company that supports the free distribution of music.

"Learning JavaScript With The Google Maps API"
I've played around with JavaScript a bit, and for a long time I've been meaning to make some nice things for the Tokyo Robotnik website with JavaScript.

"Random Windows Stuff"
Ollie Whitehouse failed to turn up to give this talk, hopefully nothing harsh has happened to him. Fortunately Dan Kaminsky decided to give an impromptu talk on interesting things he has been thinking about recently. If Kaminsky joined the dark side he would be so much cooler. Whitehat hackers just don't get it.

A basic but interesting talk on the different satelittes that exist and how they can be explored with very common equipment.

"Intrusion Detection Systems"
A rather straightforward talk on IDS's and how they should be linked up on a LAN using a common data format.

A good technical talk on a way to actively discover what techniques malicious websites are using to attack computers which visit them. Kathy Wang, who I met last year at HOPE, is doing interesting things in this area.

"Breaking Down The Web Of Trust"
Americans generally shouldn't be allowed to talk about identity issues in an international context because they fail to understand that identity in some countries is not as big of a deal as it is in the US. In particular, the US uses social security numbers for so many things in daily life and also driving lisenses are used in many transactions whereas in many countries this would be unacceptable.

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